
我们最新最大的风力发电设施位于华盛顿东南部, 波默罗伊以西15英里, 加菲尔德县. Map

The 较低的蛇 River project currently encompasses 149 风力涡轮机 capable of generating 342.7兆瓦的电力. 阅读更多关于该设施的事实.


Discover the rural beauty of 加菲尔德县 and see our 较低的蛇 River turbines.

请致电509-382-2043查询安排导游的信息. If you plan to get out of your car and walk the wind facility’s grounds, you need to 网上注册 或在四星供应、最后的度假村 (www.thelastresortrv.com)或在猎鹿枪季节,在Deadman Creek商店(www.deadmanc.com). 如果你在网上注册, you will need to pick up the access permit at the store you selected on the registration form.


狩猎, 徒步旅行, 观鸟, walking the grounds and other recreational activities are permitted at the wind facility by written permission only in certain areas. 请 网上注册 在这里享受下蛇河风力设施的这些区域. Separate access permits are required to access the 哥伦比亚县 wind farms including PSE’s Hopkins Ridge, PacificCorp’s Marengo and Portland General Electric’s Tucannon River wind facilities.


  • 下蛇河狩猎 & 访问指南视频
  • 我可以访问加菲尔德县下蛇河风力设施的土地吗?

    可以,但只能去某些地方,而且要有书面许可. 要获得许可,请完成 网上申请表格 或者去网站上列出的商店逛逛 注册页面. Either way, you will need to complete the registration process and pick up the permits in person.

  • Can I access the Hopkins Ridge, Marengo and Tucannon River wind facilities in

    是的,但它需要的许可证和下蛇河许可证不同. To get an access permit to the 哥伦比亚县 wind farms please complete the PSE Hopkins Ridge 网上申请表格. 你需要去 最后的度假村, 四星供应 or The Circle K to complete the registration process and pick up the required permit, 车辆标签和地图小册子.

  • 我需要什么才能进入下蛇河物业?

    首先, 注册 访问. 如果你在网上注册, you will receive a confirmation e-mail instructing you to pick up final paperwork before hunting at the store you selected (四星供应, Last Resort Kampstore或死人溪商店). 你最后的文书工作包括签署的许可证,车辆标签和地图小册子. 这张许可证只允许你进入地图上绿色的区域.

  • 我可以在哪里打猎?

    To access the areas that require a landowner’s permission you will need to get the property owner's name and phone number from 迹象 posted on their property. You must contact the landowner to obtain a permit, 车辆标签和地图小册子. 这张许可证只允许你进入地图上黄色的区域.

    While hunting, you will be required to carry your signed permit, vehicle tag and 地图手册 哪些标识访问边界和访问规则. All members in your hunting party must have all the required paperwork with them at all times, with the exception of minors under 16 who are not hunting; they can be listed on their guardian’s access permit.

    Minors under the age of 16 and who are hunting must have their own Access Permission Agreement, must have completed a hunter's safety course and it must be signed by their guardian.

    下蛇河风力设施内有公共通道, 但是有一些特殊的规定来确保猎人的安全, 当地居民和风力设施工人. 这些公共区域被标记在蛇河下游风力设施上 地图手册 在绿色.

    研究地图并随身携带,以确保你在狩猎区域内. 标志将张贴在一些地方,但不是所有的地方. 地图小册子是你最好的指南. 详细的地图包括GPS坐标来帮助你定位你的位置. 狩猎区大多位于私人土地上. 请 follow the rules and respect the regulations so this access privilege continues.

  • 为什么有些地方是开放的,有些地方是限制的?

    PSE leases land from private landowners and the state of Washington to operate the wind facility. 进入是基于土地所有者的许可.


    狩猎区域在风力设施区域细节上以绿色标识 地图手册 并标明“有书面许可的访问”(AWWP). These permits are obtained from local stores and are open to the public only after a permit is issued.


    黄色阴影区域也对公众开放狩猎, 但必须得到土地所有者的书面许可. 这些区域被标记为获得土地所有者书面许可(AWWLP)。. 土地所有者的姓名和电话号码张贴在这些地区的标志上. 联系他们并申请许可.


    Other landowners privately manage access on their lands and don’t allow general public hunting. These areas are marked on the 地图手册 in tan as PAU, or 公共 Access Unavailable. 如果你看到猎人或听到枪声从这些地区传来, it is because the hunters have received landowner permission; it does not mean you are allowed to hunt in those areas.


    一些私人土地所有者不希望他们的土地被占用. 这些土地在地图宣传册上以红色标记为禁止进入(AP). 这些地区不允许进入或狩猎.

  • 为什么我需要停在四星供应,最后的度假村Kampstore

    在商店, you will be asked to complete the permit process by signing the Access Permission Agreement form. State game officials and local law enforcement also require that hunters provide picture identification if over 16-years-old, 野生识别号码和车辆信息. 最后, a 地图手册 and vehicle tag will be issued at the store and the corresponding number added to your permit. Each hunter will receive a copy to keep with him or her while on the properties and a copy will be kept on file.

    四星供应 最后的度假村 死人溪商店
    全年 季节性 季节性
    星期一至六:早上6点.m. - 8 p.m.
    太阳:早上7点.m. - 8 p.m.
    Mar. 1 - 10月. 31:
    周一至周四:7:30.m. - 6 p.m.
    星期五至六:早上7:30.m. - 7 p.m.
    太阳:早上8点.m. - 3 p.m.
    Nov. 1 - 2月. 28:

  • PSE下蛇河风电设施的准入规则是什么?

    以下规则适用于进入风电场区域. They are also in the permit and 地图手册 that you will carry with you while on the property.

    1. No hunting during wind turbine construction periods or posted closure periods.
    2. No access of any kind within 300 feet of the 风力涡轮机, buildings or substations.
    3. 1内禁止任何形式的访问,000 feet of the 风力涡轮机 from the third Sunday of November through the third Sunday of February due to potential icing conditions.
    4. 不准用任何武器指向或射击任何类型的目标, 风力涡轮机, 架空电线, 插接箱, J-boxes, 维修车辆, 迹象, 波兰人, 栅栏, 盖茨, 维修设施或变电站在您的视野范围内.
    5. No shooting from vehicles, across roads or from any maintained portion of wind facility access roads.
    6. 任何车辆不得在土地所有者的财产上通行, 县道除外, 除非得到土地所有人的书面授权. 不允许在风力涡轮机通道上驾驶. 这包括越野或全地形车辆的操作.
    7. No horses or pack animals are allowed on landowners' properties unless previously authorized in writing by the landowner.
    8. 不要堵住出入门或入口. 9. 所有猎人都必须遵守 华盛顿州游戏规则和条例.
    9. All access may be canceled by landowners whenever it is deemed necessary by landowners or property lessee.
    10. 禁止过夜露营, parking or outdoor fires on landowner property unless previously authorized in writing by the landowner.
    11. Hanging vehicle tags must be clearly displayed and visible from outside of the vehicle when on private/landowner property.
    12. Your access permission agreement must be carried on your person while hunting within the 普吉特海湾能源公司 下蛇河风力设施 area.
    13. Violation of any of these rules will result in loss of all access privileges and may also incur trespassing violations.
    14. 请 consider removing gut piles or use lead-free ammunition to prevent attracting scavenging raptors to the wind farm area.

    以确保继续进入这些土地, 请向加菲尔德县报告任何违反规定或法律的行为

  • 我的孩子们能来吗??

    Yes. 请注意,参加狩猎的儿童必须持有自己签署的许可证. Only children who have completed a hunter's safety course are allowed to hunt. If your children are hunting and are under 16 years old a guardian must sign their permit. 不打猎的儿童可以在其监护人的进入许可上列出. 不论年龄大小,所有的猎人都必须持有许可证. 16岁以上的儿童也需要出示带照片的身份证件.